The Kings founded Quiet Capital after seeing success and establishing themselves in the real estate world by owning portfolios in single-family rentals, land development, and building new construction homes.

From our COO to our strategically curated asset management team, Quiet Capital has a plethora of experience working with some of the top names in multifamily and all bring a seasoned yet unique approach to deals. The team paired with the systems and processes created by the Kings have been vital to the success of Quiet Capital.


Quiet Capital is intentional in the assets we invest in.  We choose investment opportunities carefully, structure the debt and equity with a conservative approach to ensure the proper leverage.


Quiet Capital was formed after principals Tyler & Tim King saw the vision of having stable and tangible cash-flowing assets.  Seven states (TN, AL, MS, LA, GA, AR, and TX) and over 3,000 units later, Quiet Capital has established itself as a legitimate multi-family housing player of the Southeast. The Kings are confident in the success of every deal brought to the table and believe our money should always be “at-risk” alongside our investors. We invest personal capital into every deal that we invite investors in on. The key to our deals? We say “No” more than we say “Yes” and we only partner with investors that are a fit for Quiet Capital and our overall vision.


Quiet Capital is intentional in the assets we invest in.  We choose investment opportunities carefully, structure the debt and equity with a conservative approach to ensure the proper leverage.